Plyometrics for weightlifters

Having trouble reaching full extension during your lifts? Many crossfitters suffer from this problem, not reaching full triple extension. There is a very good reason for this. Many CrossFit WODs require motions to be done sub maximally for many reps. For example, box jumps may be in a workout with a 24 inch box and they may be done 50+ times in one wod. This can create faulty movement patterns that may transfer over to the lifts. One such movement pattern is consistently not reaching full extension while jumping. Over time, this can retrain the body to not jump sub-maximally, which could transfer over to their lifting. In order to break these patterns one can perform max plyometrics. There are many different variations of plyometrics, but for our intent and purpose we will talk about maximal effort full extension jumps. For example: squat jumps, broad jumps, box jumps and depth jumps. When performing these types of plyometric jumps the intent should be to reach full extension and to jump as far or high as possible. This reinforces full triple extension which will in turn help you in your lifts. Also, performing plyometrics helps tie the strength gained from lifting into athletic ability. Plyometrics teach the body to transfer strength into an explosive movement pattern to make you more explosive in all sports.