Stay in Your Own Lane

In an instant, I went from being in the warm-up area to being escorted out onto the competition floor with my teammates with one minute until game time. Then I heard over the big speakers, 3,2,1…GO!

Holy cow, it was officially GO TIME on the competition floor at Wodapalooza.

Similar to Wodapalooza, in an instant, we as a society, went from our habitual living and gathering by the masses, to hearing over the big speaker (news, media, government, etc.) that we have to be isolated, quarantined and remain in the comfort of our own home unless we are in need of  essential items or have an emergency.

As a newbie to the sanctioned competition floor II realized very quickly that the beauty of the competition floor was actually very simple, which was very refreshing to me because just like the good ole’ college basketball days, nothing actually mattered out on that floor as much as my belief in myself and my ability to continue to be lasered focused on staying in my own lane.

Again, similar to Wodapalooza and those college balls days, what the COVID-19 Pandemic has shown me and hopefully you as well is that the “noise” we are constantly hearing, the fear we are consistently adopting from others and the vast amount of unknowns actually do not matter as much as the belief in yourself and your ability to being focused on staying in your own lane.

Here is where athletes and people, in general, get lost. We make a choice to focus on others too damn much.  Read that again, we make a choice to focus on others too damn much.

We worry. We want to fix everyone. We want to gossip. We focus on the things we have zero control over. We dwell too often. We live in jealousy and envy. We adopt others’ fears. We choose to not fact check ourselves and the limiting beliefs that are stirring up in our minds. We let our egos get in the way.

Let me go back to the Wodapalooza for a brief moment. It is important to recognize that before any event, there is an ample amount of time for athletes, prior to the morning of game day, prior to warmups and definitely prior to that buzzer sounding, to hold hands and become best friends with doubts, fears, and anxiety. It is in these moments where you, as the athlete, can set yourself apart. Ask yourself this question, “Are you going to choose to hang out with things that will not propel you forward or are you going to acknowledge that they are there and then simply move on and focus on what is actually happening and in your control?”

Because if I am being honest, in all reality, when that buzzer goes off, you should feel and think nothing other than “I am staying in my own lane!”

The truth is, in the sport of CrossFit and in this COVID-19 Pandemic time span, that yes, you need to be aware of the news and where your competition is so you can either pull back the reins or just “full send” to gain some much-needed leverage for example. But what is even more important is to believe and know the true significance behind the phrase “stay in your own lane.”

Now, do not get me wrong there are sports of course where legitimately staying in your own lane is actually vital and necessary, such as swimming.

If you are a CrossFit athlete doing the benchmark workout Fran in a competition or even at your box, staying in your own lane is in the actual rule book to ensure that your barbell is not a hindrance to one’s performance and safety. It also ensures that you are not taking someone’s position on the rig for pullups.

Let’s forgo the physical lane of sport for the time being, and dive deep into the lane that I refer to as life.

You see, this thing we call life, it is so chaotic. We are currently living in a time where everything seems very chaotic.

So much shit is going on every single day. The news changes by the hour. You have parties, meetings, obligations, chores, competitions, errands to run, mouths to feed, workouts to be completed, laundry to be folded and that is not even scratching the surface.

Many times, we as individuals and collectively, a society, get so overwhelmed by life that we lose ourselves.

One morning we could start out by being assigned to lane 15 and the next thing we know, we are in lane 5 trying to solve someone else’s problems or fully consumed in the drama that is so far out of our control, it is a complete waste of energy.

But what would take place in your life for example, if you awoke and ended your day in lane 15?

How powerful would it be for you to remain focused on the goals that you set for yourself and were able to cross off all of your boxes on your to-do list because you simply just stood in your own lane?

Whether you are preparing for a sanctioned event like that of Wodapalooza or you are someone who is just trying to make it through this COVID-19 Pandemic, remember the value and importance of staying in your own lane.

Focus on yourself.

Pay attention to what you can control and identify what you can’t control. Seriously make a list of both!

Choose to spend your energy on living with intention. Set aside the doubts, fears, anxieties and self-limiting beliefs.

Remember no one is perfect but you CAN make the choice daily to stay in your own lane or you can hop from lane to lane and lose sight of what is truly important to you as a unique individual.

Regardless of the current news, whether you have the perfect soundtrack playing in the background, you’re wearing the most comfortable outfit, or you’re able to point out your loved ones and/or coach in the stands when the buzzer goes off, it’s GO TIME!

Crush your life and let nothing stop you!

Stay focused.

Stay in your own lane.

Don’t worry, here I am not going to leave you without providing you with some ideas on how to practice staying gin your own lane.

  • Decrease / Eliminate Distractions
    • TV, Social Media, Phone, Gaming, Gossip, etc.
    • Get yourself organized the night before so those distractions are already out of your “to-do” list and working space for the next day!
  • Write Down Your goals
    • Jot down what you want to accomplish that day, week, month, yea,
    • Explore both your own short and long term goals
    • Make these goals measurable (how will you track it, is it realistic, etc.)
  • Feed Your Brain / Be A Student Of Life
    • Study your craft
    • Read, Listen to audiobooks, Listen to Podcasts
    • Communicate with coaches, mentors, etc.
  • Meditate, Stretch, Visualize
    • Give yourself some time and space to quiet your mind and let creativity come naturally to you.
    • Focus on your breathing and become more in tune with your body so you can get through the mental marathons required to produce great work
    • Do not overwhelm yourself here, just spend 5-10 minutes
  • PLAY!
    • If you are a weightlifter, do not spend every day lifting with a serious face on.
    • If you are a CrossFit athlete, do not spend everyday training without a laugh or a smile
    • Do the silly things that help you and your brain remember that all things in life are meant to be fun and worthwhile!