Train Smarter Not Harder

The current way of thinking in sports and in much of the working world is to just “work harder.” A great work ethic is a requirement if you want to be “great” or “the best” at something. With that said, many times this idea of “just work harder” causes diminishing returns in terms of performance and productivity. If you want to learn how to be more productive, read “Eat that Frog” by Brian Tracy. He outlines several practical and immediately applicable techniques for getting more work done in less time. The one I’ve found most useful is this: Each night write down a list of all tasks you have to complete the following day. Order them in order of importance. Then, the following day complete them in that order. By finishing your biggest task first thing each day, you feel more confident immediately. You are also forced to determine what those tasks are and complete them efficiently. In terms of training, learn how the body works. Learn how it breaks down, recovers, builds, and adapts. Question everything. If you don’t have the time or motivation to learn for yourself, then find a coach who does. There is a smarter way of training than just doing more, more, more without a plan.